Another (new) bibliography app
ZotViewer a Zotero client
Every researcher indeed has to keep track of many papers, being them the bibliography of his/her next work or just that paper just appeared on the arxiv.
Having a list of papers to read is indeed a great part of a researcher’s work. On this and on how to read papers there is this lecture by Andrew Ng.
There are lots of software that help us in doing this out there. One of them is Zotero, particularly interesting because it is opensource and because it exposes an API to interact with libraries.
Since its major competitor Mendeley shut down its mobile apps I am trying to develop a codebase for an app compatible with all major platforms (iOS, Android, MacOS, Linux and Windows).
There are Zotero clients, of course, but since I need a mobile app to interact with Zotero and since I am studying Flutter I would take advantage of the Zotero API and developing this app.
Flutter let you write a code using dart and then compile it for every platform you need with ease.
The app: ZotViewer
At this time my project is just a viewer. I will add editing features later.
It has three pages. The first one lets you navigate trough the bibliography.
Open a paper
The app let you have insight on a single paper.
Info page
If you want to collaborate or compile it yourself the code is here:
I compiled it once and eventually you can download a preview or access tests on the Google Play Store.